
BlueLotus’ portfolio companies have raised >$400M in follow-on funding from the likes of 8VC, Tiger Global, Google, Blume, 3one4, Linse, BEENext, Omidyar, Trifecta, Magna, Premji Invest, the Bajaj group, V-Guard  & numerous others. Our 2018 investment cohort is currently delivering a TVPI (Total Value to Paid-in Capital) of 41x. 

We can’t share how excited we are to have the privilege of partnering with the founders of the companies you see below. It would be too large a task to even describe why we thought each of them were exceptionally suited to their herculean adventures. 

We typically participate at the Pre-Seed, Seed, or Pre-Series A stage. We’re actually sector-agnostic, but have a strong preference for companies that scale by leveraging technology. As a direct result, we rarely participate in hardware-related startups but once in a while the value-proposition is hard to deny and despite the frictions and scaling challenges, we have been delighted to partner with companies like Yulu (the Micro-mobility leader in India) Gegadyne (leap-frogging battery technology for the world) and Lyte  (US/EU smartphone charging infra, 3 recent IPOs in Asia from this space).

A large part of our investing thesis rests on assessing founder capabilities. Of course, we desire category-creators, and we try not to be boxed-in by templates – but identifying such product-market fitting founders early on is extremely difficult.

Importantly, we look for startups that are able to grow rapidly through natural demand with large and/or growing TAMs.

We work hands on with our investee companies and advise them on building product, marketing, customer acquisition, intellectual property portfolios & we’re always keen to connect them with our extensive network globally. Capital is currently a commodity and we seek to go well beyond the renting of money.

Who We Are


Founding Partner

Uday returned to India in 2017 after 14 years in New York and Paris, working in various capacities in investment banking. His principal areas of formal expertise are structured finance, risk management and value investing. He taught critical thinking & history at SAICE, in Pondicherry. Selected writings.

MBA, NYU | MS Columbia


Founding Partner

Rahul is currently the Director, Customer Experience Operations & Practices at Google and focuses on enablement & transformation in his current role. His career has spanned digital marketing & transformation, intellectual property consulting & monetization and legal outsourcing and he has served customers globally across multiple industries and functions.